Chairman of CAQA
![Chairman of CAQA Chairman of CAQA](
Personal Information:
Name: Ahmed Ghaleb Moqbel Al-Haboub
Place and Date of Birth: Bani Ghazi,
Taiz Governorate, Yemen, 1959.
Nationality: Yemeni
Marital Status: Married
Title: Full Professor (Professor Dr.)
Work Address: Ibb University, College of Education,
Department of Educational Foundations and Administration
Landline: (0096704416357) / (04300769),
Mobile: (00967777788187) / (777818755) / (717419900), Work:
(04406533 00967), PO Box (70270)
- Bachelor's degree (1982/1983) major in Philosophy and Sociology,
Department of Social Studies, College of Education, Sana'a University, Very
Good (Top Student).
- Master’s degree in (1989/1990) major in Philosophy of Education,
Department of Social Fundamentals of Education, College of Education,
University of Iowa, United States of America, excellent Grade
- PhD in (1999/2000) specializing in Philosophy of Education, Department
of Educational and Psychological Sciences, College of Education,
Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Republic of Iraq, Excellent Grade
- Associate Professor, 2006
- Full Professor, 2013
- Fluent in Arabic and English
Professional Biography:
Researcher at the
Educational Research and Development Center for the period (1984-1994), besides
he was:
Head of the Social Subjects
Division at the Department of Curricula at the Educational Research and
Development Center, Sanaa.
Head of the Social and
Psychological Research Division at the Educational Research Department of the
Educational Research and Development Center, Sanaa.
Member of the team
designing distribution maps for sites of schools and educational services in different
districts in the Republic.
Adjunct Instructor at Ibb
University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational and Psychological
Sciences for the period from (19994/1996), teaching: Foundations of Philosophy,
Sociology, Fundamentals of Education, Comparative Education and Education
System, Educational Research
Head of the Department of Educational
Foundations and Administration, Faculty of Education, Ibb University
Vice Dean of Postgraduate
Studies and Scientific Research at Ibb University since (2011)
Taught Educational Philosophy,
Education and Community Problems, Scientific Research Methods, and Education
System in Yemen for undergraduate students.
Taught Postgraduates:
Philosophy of Education, Scientific Research Methods, Management and Leadership
Theories, Strategic Planning, Design and Evaluation of Programs.
Examined and supervised
many scientific theses (Master & PhD)
Refereed many promotion researches
to the rank of associate professor and professor.
Refereed on many researches
and studies submitted for publication in a number of refereed scientific
journals in Yemen and abroad.
Member of the editorial
board of the University Researcher Journal at Ibb University
Member of the Center for
Rehabilitation and Law Aid for Human Rights.
Member of the Union of Arab
Member of the Board of
Trustees and Board of Directors at Al-Jazeera University
Head of the Quality
Committee at the College of Education , Ibb University
Member of the Academic
Development and Quality Assurance Department , Ibb University
Member of the Academic
Programs Development Committee of the Council for Academic Accreditation and
Quality Assurance in the Republic of Yemen
President of Al Jazeera
University in Yemen 2014/2015.
Research, reports and scientific papers:
Preparing school map
reports (1986-1994), for Jahran Maabar, Dauran Anes, Jabal Al-Sharq,
Al-Durayhimi, Zabid.
The Progressive Movement:
Its Philosophical Origins, and Its Applied Dimensions in the Contemporary
American Educational System, Unpublished Master's Thesis, College of Education,
University of Iowa, USA, (1990).
Factors of low enrollment
of Yemeni girls at primary education in the rural areas of northern
governorates, Educational Research and Development Center, Sana'a: 1991
Factors of Social Exclusion
in Yemen, Educational Research and Development Center in cooperation with the
International Institute for Labor Studies, Sana’a: 1992 (co-researcher)
Evaluating the general
educational goals of the educational system in Yemen, an unpublished doctoral
thesis, College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad: (2000)
The views and attitudes of
university students towards gender issues in Yemen, Center for Training and
Population Studies, Sana’a: (2002), (co-researcher).
Educational Objectives
between Perception and Application, Academic Rehabilitation and Training
Center, Taiz University (2003) a working paper for the training course for
private and private education teachers in the city of Taiz.
Educational Objectives in
Yemen and the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A Comparative Study, Journal
of Educational Research, Issue (6), Ibb University (2004)
Students’ goals for
enrolling at Ibb University, “Journal of Educational Research and Studies”,
Center of Educational Research and Development, Sana’a: (2004),
Third National Human
Development Report (2003/2004), Member of the Technical Team to Prepare the
Report, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Sana'a.
University Education
Philosophy: Principles and Objectives, a working paper for the assistant staff
training workshop at Ibb University (2004)
A critical study of the
second Arab Human Development Report (2003), Ministry of Planning and
International Cooperation, Sana'a
Critical reading of the
third Arab Human Development Report (2004), Ministry of Planning and
International Cooperation, Sana'a
Preparing a draft strategy
for children, adolescents and youth, Ministry of Youth and Sports, (2005)
Educational Philosophy of
the Education System in Yemen: A Critical Analytical Study, University
Researcher Journal, Issue (9), (2005), Ibb University, Yemen.
The Philosophy of
University Education in the Arab Countries: A Critical Analytical Study, Arab
Scientific Conference on Arab Universities in the Twenty-First Century,
November 26-27 (2006), Ain Shams University, Cairo.
Attitudes of Ibb University
students towards globalization, (co-researcher), University Researcher Journal,
Issue (13), (2007) Ibb University, Yemen.
Education and National
Unity: An Analytical Study of Unity Issues in Yemeni Educational Legislation,
University Researcher Journal, Issue 17, (2008), Ibb University, Yemen.
Priorities of educational
reform in the Arab countries in the era of globalization, 9th scientific
conference of the Faculty of Education, Fayoum University, (2008), the Arab
Republic of Egypt..
Attitudes of students of
the College of Education at Ibb University towards philosophy (2009) University
Researcher Journal, Issue 21, Ibb University.
Obstacles to using results
of applied educational research in educational decision-making as seen by
researchers and educational leaders in Yemen, University Researcher Journal,
Ibb University, Issue (26) 2010
A paper on the phenomenon
of consanguineous marriage: the causes and effects, and the university youth’s
attitudes towards this marriage, presented within the activities of the
educational symposium for Ibb University students on consanguineous marriage in
cooperation with the Social Fund for Development for the period from
The values of citizenship
as monitored by the legislation and policies of Higher Education in the
Republic of Yemen: a critical analytical vision, College of Education, Ibb
University, 2011.
Trends in educational
reform in Arab countries in the era of globalization, Journal of the Union of
Arab Universities, Issue (58) December 2011.
A comparative analytical
study of the goals of Higher Education in Yemen and Jordan, Journal of the Association
of Arab Universities, Journal of the Association of Arab Universities, Amman,
Jordan, 2011.
Sources of societal and
organizational pressures facing the administrative leaders at Ibb University
and their impact on making their administrative decisions” (jointly) Journal of
the Union of Arab Universities,
The Reality of Culture of
Change in Yemeni Universities: A Critical Analytical Study, Introduction to
Participation in the Seventeenth Philadelphia University Conference on the
Culture of Change, November 2012, Amman, Jordan.
The level of political
awareness of Ibb University students, a participatory study / accepted for
publication in the University Researcher Journal, Ibb University.
Editor of the Education and
Health axis in Human Development Report in Yemen for the year (2012) Ministry
of Planning and International Cooperation.
Fundamentals of Educational
Scientific Research, a university book prepared for publication (2013).
A proposed conception for
developing the role of Higher Education institutions in community service in
the Arab world, a study submitted for publication in the Maqalid Intellectual
Journal, Paris, (2013).
Suggested mechanisms for
integrating gender issues in educational curricula, a working paper submitted
to the conference “Obligation of Education and Gender Integration in
Curricula”, 4-6 March 2013, Sana’a.
Preparing the training
guide for developing the performance of administrative leaders in Ibb city
schools 2013, British Academy in cooperation with the Skills Development Fund
and the Education Office in Ibb Governorate.
Conferences, courses and scientific workshops:
Courses of the school map
project held by the Educational Research and Development Center from (1984-1994)
(trainee) and (trainer)
Project of preparing a
population education curriculum, Center for Research and Educational Imaging,
Sana'a, (1990)
A workshop for preparing
teacher’s guide in population education, Center for Educational Research and
Development, Sana’a, (1991) (trainee)
The National Symposium on
the Reality of Achievement in Public Education Schools, Center for Educational
Research and Development, Sana’a, (1992)
Yemeni Girl Education
Symposium, Educational Research and Development Center, Sana’a (1990)
The Second Education
Symposium: The Reality of Curricula in Yemen and the Prospects for Its
Development, Yemeni Studies and Research Center, Sana’a (1992)
Conference on Arab
Education and the Challenges of Globalization, College of Education,
Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, (1998)
Workshop on Gender in
Yemen, College of Education, Ibb University, (2001)
Workshop on Human Fertility
in the Republic of Yemen, Center for Training and Population Studies, Sana'a
University, (2002)
A workshop on developing
the curricula of the College of Education, Taiz University (2003) (trainee)